Our Guiding Principles

Healthcare first
Proveer’s clients are dental healthcare professionals first and business people second. Dentists face unavoidable tradeoffs between healthcare interests and business results. From our view, putting healthcare interests first is not only the right thing to do, but creates long-term value that usually outweighs short-term business results.

Every practice is unique
Different practices have different strengths, weaknesses, values, personalities, and aspirations…and that’s the way it should be. Uniqueness presents an opportunity to deepen the bond with existing patients and stand out when attracting new patients.

The various pieces of a dental practice should align: financial policies, fees, scheduling, staff talents and training, job descriptions, technology, compensation and rewards, patient interactions, and on and on. While optimal management choices vary by practice, management choices should be consistent within each practice.
Who We Are

Greg McGlaun
Greg created Proveer Practice Management LLC in 2007 to bring professional practice management and dental consulting services to dental practices. He has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, MBA from Michigan State University, and a Masters of Applied Economics from University of Rochester. He is an expert in dental practice management, evaluating dental practice purchase opportunities, and helping dentists with the transition to dental practice ownership.

Hilary Tien
Hilary is an expert in dental practice management and is Proveer’s insurance, transition management, associate search and infection control specialist. She is devoted to educating dentists and teams in business and management best practices. Hilary began her career in dentistry as a young girl in her father’s general dentistry practice in Michigan and has held clinical and administrative roles in both general and specialty dental offices. With over two-decades of experience in the dental field Hilary believes dental offices can improve and become more efficient without making major changes. Although Hilary was accepted to dental school, she earned her Masters in Healthcare Administration and found her true passion in helping dental businesses so they can better serve their patients, staff and communities.

Erin Filler
Erin graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management, with a focus on Management Information Systems. Erin manages several client dental practices, which includes calculating and compiling practice scorecards to review key practice indicators, conducting audits to ensure the accuracy of patient ledgers, and working closely with front desk teams to provide HR and Management support. She specializes in helping clients with the conversion to new practice management software.

Kallie Cusack
Kallie graduated from Davenport University with a Bachelors of Arts in Marketing and a Masters of Business Administration with a focus on Strategic Management. Kallie manages several client dental practices, which includes calculating and compiling practice scorecards to review key practice indicators, conducting audits to ensure accuracy of patient ledgers, and working closely with front desk teams to provide HR and management support.

Britney Dice
Britney graduated from Ferris State University with a Bachelor's in Business Administration. Britney has been in the dental field for over 10 years and has managed multiple dental offices over the last five years.
Your Team
We can’t do it all. We work closely with your dental team to help you succeed. Together we take care of the both the big picture and the details involved in running a smooth and successful dental practice.